The Secret Homes

The Secret Homes, So being a billionaire and owning a home. That people don’t know about is difficult if not impossible in an age of media surveillance. But some homes are more subtle than others. Donald Trump, for example, has his surname in giant gold letters on the front of his buildings. This guy wants you to know where he is. And that’s especially easy at the moment, seeing as he’s in the White House. What we’re looking at is the opposite of the likes of Donald Trump. We’re looking for billionaires that blend in for those modest properties or properties. That might look modest, but on closer inspection, have the hallmarks of a billionaire or properties a little bit more secluded from public view. So what we’re not looking at is the home of Mukesh Ambani. Who built himself a skyscraper in the middle of Mumbai.

Like Ambani, some flaunt their cash and make it known

That they’ve got money. Others have enormous wealth but would prefer to keep themselves to. Themselves are the top earners. We’re interested in. In this video, as we look at the private houses of billionaires. Before we start, make sure to subscribe to our channel. And comment below to give you our opinions on the secret houses of billionaires. The first house we’ll look at belongs to John Caudwell. He’s responsible for UK-based cell phone brand phones for you and as a self-made billionaire.

Now he may not be living in the quietest area of London as. He’s bought himself a mansion in the middle of Mayfair, one of London’s most expensive areas. Still, the place blends into the surroundings from. The outside just like any of the other period properties in the area. But inside, Cornwall is turning his pad into a customized luxury home blending modern and traditional decor.

The 15 bedroom home spans over 43,000 square feet of space

This is part of the entertainment floor, including a sauna, jacuzzi, and gym. A cinema is also a part of the basement entertainment complex away from the fun for John and his family. There are private quarters situated at the front of. The grand property was space for three people, all in all, it’s an awe-inspiring space. But one that could easily be missed on the streets of London. But if you went inside it had be a house you wouldn’t forget in a hurry. Now, this next house didn’t belong to a billionaire during the 1990s, only a millionaire. It may well do now as it exists on what is known as billionaires row on bishop’s Avenue.

This is a significant house as author Salman Rushdie lived here during the 1990s. When his life was threatened after publishing the novel. The Satanic Verses Indian British author at a target put on him Iranian cleric Ayatollah Khomeini told. The world that he had issued the death penalty for Rushdie.

The fear was that someone would act upon, The Secret Homes

That this started a period of hiding where the author needed a house capable of securing him from attack. This became nine the bishop’s Avenue on billionaires row David Ashton hill. The architecture renovated the home for Rushdie has said that it was a sensitive and fast track job completed in nine months in 1991.

Number nine has since had several additions, including a two-room extension to its second floor and the addition of a kidney-shaped swimming pool, so although not disclosed, it’s quite likely that a billionaire lives there now we’re over halfway through our video now. So just a little reminder to like this video and subscribe to our channel for more top-quality videos on luxury. GRAEME Hart is a billionaire that most of you haven’t heard of, but he’s New Zealand’s richest man with a reputation for taking struggling companies and improving their efficiency. The Secret Homes.

The businessman has amassed a net worth of $11 billion

This property is reportedly one of several sections of land he owns in the area that together made up the church Bay farm part purchased several sections of land in 2004 and 2000. in five to build a streamlined white beach house with a guest wing and a swimming pool, he has spent more than $26 million on collecting neighboring land blocks to create his farm. Although the mansion has a modest bedroom count, horror will undoubtedly use his land to increase. This in the future to create some secluded super mansion.

If you’re a billionaire, then owning a country manor in the heart of England might be high on your list of spends. It was for Victoria’s Secret owner Leslie Wexner. In 1997, he bought Fox COVID House in the heart of Warwick share England for between three. And 8 million pounds but managed to keep it under wraps until 2015. He has restored the house to $20 million.

Shooting estate flies his family, The Secret Homes

The property sits deep in the English countryside. But Wexner felt the need to give it a little bit more protection from the outside world. The Westerners attend the annual pheasant shooting season each October. And host traditional British Shooting parties in a former Catholic chapel that adjoins the house. Now he’s buying mansions in England for fun and hosting shooting parties. According to the reports, the house was dilapidated in the 1960s. When it belonged to Christopher boot Holman, an heir to the British boots of the chemist Empire. Still, Holman started the restoration, and Wexner completed. The job to turn it into a bespoke shooting lodge fit for a lingerie tycoon. In contrast, investment guru Warren Buffett might be worth around $80 billion. But his home is a lot more modest than that.

In 1958, Buffett purchased his 6570 square foot Omaha home for just $31,500, and he still lives there today. You’d never know that one of the richest billionaires is behind those doors with inflation and a market rising. There still only takes the value of two $800,000. Which although not cheap, doesn’t compare to the other houses on this list valued in. The millions to the 10s of millions buffet. The Secret Homes.

Tom has five bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms fences and security cameras guard the property. Why hasn’t Buffett moved to a more luxurious home in his own, typically to the point words. He says I’m happy there I’d move up. I thought it’d be happier someplace else, and that about does it for this video. I hope you all enjoyed it. Make sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell to ensure you never miss a video from us.

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